The Future of Fitness in 2010 and Beyond

What is going on all you fitness crazed braus and sisters? I do hope you are well…

It is December and it is time for my annual fitness year in review phentermine weight loss pills.

Sadly, it seems that the fitness industry at large has not made any great inroads into providing a short term, long term or any term solution to our country’s large scale obesity epidemic that is not just a national crisis (oh yeah, it is a CRISIS on a freakin’ GRAND SCALE) but, a world wide catastrophy (Alright, officially a pandemic) Anavar near me.


The sickening fact that our country has become through both poor nutrition (NOTE-no thanks to some real crap and far too long perpetuated information from the mainstream) and a lack of REAL EFFECTIVE exercise, (NOTE-i.e. GARDENING, even if it is ALL OUT, REDLINE, HIGH INTENSITY INTERVAL WEED PULLING AND LAWN MOWING does not qualify as exercise…) not only more fat, more lethargic and more sick and getting sicker; we have succeeded in passing down to our youth a new disease called TYPE II Juvenile Diabetes trenbolone pills. Now, this is just straight up NUTTS!

Man, things have gotten’ screwed up big time! And, now we have to make things right. So, what I am going to do is provide some real positive upside strategies that, for lack of a better term, will be the fitness ‘trends’ of 2010 Clenbuterol online. These ideas will help both our youth and adult populations find what maybe better solutions to acquire better health and well being.