The Facts and Myths about Bodybuilding Supplements
Bodybuilding supplements are widely used to increase muscle mass, reduce recovery time after an intense workout, and to make workouts more beneficial. However, there are many misconceptions about bodybuilding supplements. Here are some common myths and facts.
Myth: Bodybuilding supplements are dangerous.
Fact: Most bodybuilding supplements are not dangerous at all when the correct dose is taken.
Myth: Bodybuilding supplements are illegal.
Fact: While there are some organizations, such as the Olympic Games, who have banned certain bodybuilding supplements, they are not illegal. They are available for purchase online and in retail stores.
Myth: Bodybuilding supplements will allow you to become physically fit without working out.
Fact: Bodybuilding supplements are meant to work in conjunction with a rigorous exercise program. Taken alone, they are unlikely to produce any positive results.
Myth: Bodybuilding supplements have a lot of side effects.
Fact: Most bodybuilding supplements include ingredients which occur naturally in the body. Because of this, there are very few side effects associated with taking bodybuilding supplements. The most common side effect is upset stomach and diarrhea. Most side effects go away within a few weeks. There are some supplements which have more serious side effects, but most supplements do not.
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